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 Types of poems




A ballad is a poem that tells a story. It is often put to music because of its rhyme. A typical ballad will have a refrain also called a chorus.


Acrostic poem


Type of poem where the first letters of each verse spell out a particular word or phrase.


Diamante poem


A poem which takes the shape of a diamante. It is made up of 7 lines whish follow a set structure.




An Elegy is a sad poem written to praise and express sorrow or mourn the passing of someone.


Epic poem


An Epic poem is a serious and long poem that tells a story.




It is a brief, satirical and witty poem with a funny ending. It is usually written as a couplet but can also be found as a quatrain.




An Epitaph is a poem about the dead and meant to be written on a tombstone. They are very short.


Free verse


Free verse relates to modern poetry. It has no regular pattern of rhyme or rhythm.




A Haiku is a Japanese poem which consists of 3 lines and 17 syllables. Each line has a set number of syllables (5,7,5).


Kenning poem


A Kenning is a two-word phrase. It describes an object or a person using the metaphor. A Kenning poem is a series of Kennings.


Kyrielle poem


A Kyrielle poem consists of stanzas of four lines each of which have eight syllables. Every stanza ends with the same verse.




A Lyric is a poem of intense personal and emotional feelings. They can be written as free verse or more traditional with rhyme and rhythm.




A type of lyric poem, very serious addressing a particular person or thing. It was very popular in ancient Greece.




A Pastoral is a poem, which idealize rural life and landscapes. One often finds cheerful shepherds, merry flocks of sheep grazing, etc.




A Rondeau is a short poem of 15 lines that have only two rhymes throughout the entire poem.


Shape Poem


A poem which describe an object and is shaped the same as the described object.




A Sonnet is a 14-line poem, each being 10 syllables (iambic pentameter). The Sonnet has a rigid rhyme structure.

  • English ab,ab,cdcd,efef,gg

  • Italian: abba, abba, cdecde



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